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Bitumen в Словакии

23 объявления
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23 объявления
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Сrack sealing machine BPM500
Сrack sealing machine BPM500 - фото 1
Сrack sealing machine BPM500 - фото 2
+10 фото
Сrack sealing machine BPM500 - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Сrack sealing machine BPM-500 is used for sealing cracks, seams and waterproofing, as well as for repair and construction works on roads with the use of bitumen-elastomeric sealing mastic. Specially designed sleeve fastening system, which significantly reduces the likelihood of its
+9 объявлений
28 апр
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-2000
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-2000 - фото 1
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-2000 - фото 2
+6 фото
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-2000 - фото 3
9 000 €/шт
- Performance - 2000 m2 per 1 hour of work (more than 3000 m2 per shift). - Spraying bus on 9 nozzles, width - 2 m - Tire width - 2.2 m - System cleaning - 3 levels of diesel fuel - Tanker self priming function - Customer installation on skid or trailer - optional - Heating system for emulsion
+4 объявления
29 ноя 2023
Битум из Туркменистана
265 $/шт
Bitumen from Turkmenistan. Very good quality mark 90/60. Can be supplied in large quantities. If you have any questions, write to me Watsapp
5 июл 2023
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer /Bitumen spreader BS-1000 (500,1000,2000 litres)
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer /Bitumen spreader BS-1000 (500,1000,2000 litres) - фото 1
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer /Bitumen spreader BS-1000 (500,1000,2000 litres) - фото 2
+9 фото
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer /Bitumen spreader BS-1000 (500,1000,2000 litres) - фото 3
6 400 €/шт
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer BS-1000 is designed for priming the surfaces to asphalt paving. Bitumen emulsion is supplied from a 1000 l tank, which is installed directly on the fixing platform. Heating system allows the bitumen emulsion to be sprayed in a cold time. It is easy to use. It has its own
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Bitúmen, Bitum, Bitumen, Bitumen powder
Цена по запросу
Company "Samsonov and Knudsen" offers Bitumen powder consisting of oil bitumen and mineral additions containing ~90% of bitumen. Spheres of application: • road construction and repair • stabilizing additives (Wood cellulose fiber) for SMA • isolation works • roofing works • production of roofing
+1 объявление
29 мая 2023
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - фото 1
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - фото 2
+2 фото
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - фото 3
3 700 €/шт EXW
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS200 is the optimal equipment for small patching and repair works in limited spaces (yards, alleys) and for sealing seams and cracks in asphalt concrete pavement. With its small dimensions, the hand-held BS-200 tarring machine can process up to 3,000 m² per
+9 объявлений
28 апр
Bitumen emulsion sprayer/Asphalt distributor BS-500 MODERN
Bitumen emulsion sprayer/Asphalt distributor BS-500 MODERN - фото 1
Bitumen emulsion sprayer/Asphalt distributor BS-500 MODERN - фото 2
+10 фото
Bitumen emulsion sprayer/Asphalt distributor BS-500 MODERN - фото 3
8 300 €/шт
Sprayer for bitumen asphalt emulsion is intended for a primer before the laying of asphalt, road repair, asphalt adjacent territory and also for filling joints and cracks. Intake of bitumen emulsion is carried out with a tank volume 500 l., which installed directly to the device. The heating system
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Bitumen emulsion sprayer ABS-8000
Bitumen emulsion sprayer ABS-8000 - фото 1
Bitumen emulsion sprayer ABS-8000 - фото 2
+2 фото
Bitumen emulsion sprayer ABS-8000 - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer ABS 8000 – is the optimal equipment for performing large volumes of work in the shortest possible time. Autonomous diesel engine makes it possible to install the equipment on any truck. Theelements of control are located on a separate panel in the driver’s cab with partial
+9 объявлений
28 апр
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-1000
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-1000 - фото 1
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-1000 - фото 2
+3 фото
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-1000 - фото 3
6 400 €/шт EXW
The bitumen emulsion sprayer (BR-1000 tar drill) is made for priming before asphalt laying, asphalting of adjacent territories, as well as for filling seams and cracks with bitumen emulsion. The bitumen emulsion is supplied from a tank with a volume of 1000 liters. The heating system allows you to
+9 объявлений
19 мар
Bitúmen, Bitúmen, Bitúmen, Bitúmenový prášok
Цена по запросу
Spoločnosť "Samsonov a Knudsen" ponúka bitúmenový prášok pozostávajúci z olejového bitúmenu a minerálnych prísad obsahujúcich ~ 90% bitúmenu. Oblasti použitia: • výstavba a opravy ciest • stabilizačné prísady (drevené celulózové vlákno) pre SMA • izolačné práce • pokrývačské práce • výroba
+1 объявление
29 мая 2023
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie ABS-8000
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie ABS-8000 - фото 1
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie ABS-8000 - фото 2
+2 фото
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie ABS-8000 - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie ABS 8000 – je optimálne zariadenie na vykonávanie veľkých objemov prác v čo najkratšom čase. Autonómny dieselový motor umožňuje inštaláciu zariadenia na akékoľvek nákladné vozidlo. Prvky ovládania sú umiestnené na samostatnom paneli v kabíne vodiča s čiastočnou
+9 объявлений
28 апр
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS-1000
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS-1000 - фото 1
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS-1000 - фото 2
+3 фото
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS-1000 - фото 3
6 400 €/шт EXW
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie (dechtový vrták BR-1000) je určený na základný náter pred pokládkou asfaltu, asfaltovanie priľahlých území, ako aj na vypĺňanie škár a trhlín bitúmenovou emulziou. Bitúmenová emulzia sa dodáva z nádrže s objemom 1000 litrov. Vykurovací systém umožňuje v chladnom
+9 объявлений
28 апр
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS-200
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS-200 - фото 1
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS-200 - фото 2
+2 фото
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS-200 - фото 3
3 780 €/шт EXW
Postrekovač bitúmenovej emulzie BS200 je optimálnym zariadením pre drobné záplatovacie a opravárenské práce v obmedzených priestoroch (nádvoria, uličky) a na utesňovanie škár a trhlín v asfaltobetónových vozovkách. So svojimi malými rozmermi dokáže ručný dechtovací stroj BS-200 spracovať až 3 000
+9 объявлений
28 апр
Variče zálievkových hmôt BPM-100
Variče zálievkových hmôt BPM-100 - фото 1
Variče zálievkových hmôt BPM-100 - фото 2
+3 фото
Variče zálievkových hmôt BPM-100 - фото 3
2 500 €/шт
Main technical specification: Capacity – 70L; (Bitumen block – 2pcs.); Gear reducer; Propane gas heating. Mini Crack Sealing Machine BPM-100 by TICAB is a portable unit that is widely used in the road construction for filling the cracks, seams, splits in asphalt pavement. SPECIFICATIONS: -
+4 объявления
29 ноя 2023
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-1000
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-1000 - фото 1
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-1000 - фото 2
+4 фото
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-1000 - фото 3
6 400 €/шт
Model BS-1000 characteristics:  Engine - HONDA  Engine power – 3.6 kw (4.8 hp.)  Fuel gasoline – A92 and above.  Fuel consumption – 1.4 liters\hours.  Gear pump.  Torch power – 75 kw.  The operating pressure of the burner gas is – 1.  Recommended of the capacity – 27 liters gas
+4 объявления
29 ноя 2023
Asphalt Recycler RA-800
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 1
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 2
+5 фото
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 3
36 500 €/шт
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 with its own motor and hydraulic drive is a mobile complex for asphalt production / processing. This equipment can produce 800 kg of high quality asphalt mixture per every 15-20 minutes from asphalt scrap, milling, bitumen, crushed stone, sand, as well as allows you to heat
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Variče zálievkových hmôt BPM-500
Variče zálievkových hmôt BPM-500 - фото 1
Variče zálievkových hmôt BPM-500 - фото 2
+4 фото
Variče zálievkových hmôt BPM-500 - фото 3
43 300 €/шт
BPM-500 is a crack sealing machine produced for melting and pouring the bitumen-elastomeric sealing compounds order to seal crack / seams and provide waterproofing for repair and construction work on highways, airfields, bridges. Specifications Capacity 500 l (130 gal.) Filling the tank pthrough
+4 объявления
29 ноя 2023
Asphalt Sprayer ABS-8000
48 900 €/шт
Autonomous sprayer of bituminous emulsion ABS8000 Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer ABS8000 - is the optimal equipment for performing large volumes of work in the shortest possible time. Autonomous diesel engine makes it possible to install the equipment on any truck. The elements of control are located on
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-200
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-200 - фото 1
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-200 - фото 2
+4 фото
Rozstrekovač asfaltové emulze BS-200 - фото 3
3 780 €/шт
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer BS-200 from TM TICAB is an optimal equipment for small patching repairs, as well as for road works in a limited space (yards, alleys) and for sealing areas and cracks. With compact overall dimension – only 140 * 90 * 120 cm, the manual asphalt sprayer BS-200 can process up
+4 объявления
29 ноя 2023
Mini crack sealing machine BPM-100
Mini crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 1
Mini crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 2
+3 фото
Mini crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 3
2 390 €/шт
Mini Crack Sealing Machine BPM-100 by TICAB is a portable unit that is widely used in the road construction for filling the cracks, seams, splits in asphalt pavement. SPECIFICATIONS: - Heating with a gas burner to 180 - 210 °C. - Thermometer on the tank. - The material is mixed inside the tank. -
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1 - фото 1
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1 - фото 2
+3 фото
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1 - фото 3
3 740 €/шт EXW
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1 This equipment is designed for the preparation of asphalt pavement in the process of rehabilitation for small patching. Infrared heat for 5-7 minutes heats (dries) and effectively softens the road map, while not deteriorating the properties of asphalt (bitumen does
+9 объявлений
28 апр
Asphalt Recycler RA-800
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 1
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 2
+2 фото
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 3
36 500 €/шт EXW
Mini-asphalt plant / asphalt recycler RA-800 with its own engine and hydraulic drive - a mobile complex for the asphalt production / processing. This equipment can produce 800 kg of high quality asphalt mixture per every 15-20 minutes from asphalt scrap, from milling, bitumen, crushed stone,
+9 объявлений
28 апр
Crack sealing machine BPM-100
Crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 1
Crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 2
+3 фото
Crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 3
2 500 €/шт EXW
The BPM-100 TICAB Mini Crack Sealing Machine is a portable unit widely used in the field of road construction to fill and repair cracks, joints, splits, delaminations in asphalt pavement. The manual caster resembles a cart. The unit consists of a welded metal frame equipped with wheels and a hopper
+9 объявлений
28 апр
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