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Mineral water в Братиславском крае

103 объявления
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103 объявления
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CALCIUM P for pigs, horses, small animals (Mineral mix for compound feed)
0.68 €/кг
Calcium P Calcium-phosphorus mineral mix Calcium and phosphorus are one of the most important biogenic elements necessary for the normal functioning and passage of life processes in the body. It is an irreplaceable structural material that is part of the bone tissue and can be deposited in
+27 объявлений
12 дек 2022
Calcium p for poultry (Mineral mix for compound feed)
0.53 €/кг
Calcium p for poultry Calcium-phosphorus mineral mix Calcium and phosphorus are one of the most important biogenic elements necessary for the normal functioning and passage of life processes in the body. It is an irreplaceable structural material that is part of the bone tissue and can be
+27 объявлений
12 дек 2022
Водоэмульсионная краска Lale Boya water based paint
Водоэмульсионная краска Lale Boya water based paint - фото 1
Водоэмульсионная краска Lale Boya water based paint - фото 2
Водоэмульсионная краска Lale Boya water based paint - фото 3
1 €/шт
Производство и оптовая реализация качественных водоэмульсионных красок всех категорий и типов. Настенные и потолочные, для внутренних и внешних работ, силиконовые водоотталкивающие моющиеся ... Wholesale of high-quality water-based paints all types and categories from manufactorer. Silikone,
14 янв 2024
Оптовая цена
от 500 €/м.куб.
Our company supplies birch and alder plywood. Birch plywood is considered the highest quality in furniture production. Birch plywood has very high strength and very beautiful wood structure. That’s why many of furniture producers choose birch plywood. Alder plywood is popular in building. Sheet
23 сен 2024
Chopping roller / Каток рубящий
Chopping roller / Каток рубящий - фото 1
Chopping roller / Каток рубящий - фото 2
Chopping roller / Каток рубящий - фото 3
5 200 €/шт FCA
Type Towed vehicle Capacity, up to 8 ha/hour Fuel consumption 1,5-1,9 l/ha Working speed 15-20 km/h Transport speed, max. 20 km/h Working coverage 6000 mm Number of rollers 3 pc. Knives (length х height х thickness) 397х123х8 mm Number of ribs per one roller 8 pc. Overall dimensions in working
15 авг 2019
Удобрение Гумат калия "ФК" /Humate potassium
Оптовая цена
1 - 2 €/л
Hnojivo draslík humate " FK " (kvapalný koncentrát) z šetrné k životnému prostrediu nížina rašeliny, ktorá neobsahuje ťažké kovy. Hnojivo je vyrobená podľa TU O 291502328.001-2018. Zloženie hnojiva obsahuje humínové látky (humínové + fulvic kyselín v koncentrácii 80 - 120 g/l) humínové kyseliny -
17 янв 2019
ZHYVYNA FOR ANIMALS (compound feed)
1 €/кг
ZHYVYNA Amino acid Vitamin Mineral Feed Concentrate (AAVMFC) СОУ 15.7-37-20575062-755:2010 The basis of a productive action of the feed concentrate Zhyvyna is the effect of components which comprehensively improve the biochemical composition of feed mixtures, change the protein ratio, vitamin,
+27 объявлений
15 дек 2022
Сalcium P for milking herd
0.77 €/шт
Calcium P Calcium-phosphorus mineral mix Calcium and phosphorus are one of the most important biogenic elements necessary for the normal functioning and passage of life processes in the body. It is an irreplaceable structural material that is part of the bone tissue and can be deposited in
+27 объявлений
14 дек 2022
ZHYVYNA FOR POULTRY (compound feed)
1.15 €/кг
ZHYVYNA Amino acid Vitamin Mineral Feed Concentrate (AAVMFC) СОУ 15.7-37-20575062-755:2010 The basis of a productive action of the feed concentrate Zhyvyna is the effect of components which comprehensively improve the biochemical composition of feed mixtures, change the protein ratio, vitamin,
+27 объявлений
13 дек 2022
Mineral water Gemerka
0.39 €/шт
Slovakia is one of the world's water powers. We have rich sources of mineral and spring water
+1 объявление
8 фев 2019
0.13 €/шт EXW  
опт 0.13 - 0.14 €/шт
The Andre Ltd , Bulgaria Vat 103845723 the distributor in Bulgaria good plants winery plants and mineral water plants . Our plants and the company Andre Ltd is a leading producer of fine wine and carbonated beverages and bottled mineral waters non only on the Bulgarian market but on the Western
17 ноя 2018
Mineral Water Calizzano, ITALY.
0.18 €/л
Mineral water calizzano .........................500ml PET Bottle......... PRICE ....0,14EUR/500ml FCA GENOA ITALY 1000ml PET Bottle......... PRICE ....0,18EUR/1000ml 1500ml PET Bottle......... PRICE ....0,19EUR/1500ml Our company was created in 1961, in the idyllic settings of Calizzano, a
+1 объявление
26 фев 2018
Modular water treatment systems in containers
Цена по запросу
Modular water treatment systems in containers are effective and convenient solutions that can provide enterprises with quality water, industrial facilities and even individual settlements. The design takes into account: - the size of the site to accommodate the system; - weather; conditions of
+8 объявлений
3 дек 2024
Modular water treatment systems on stainless frames
Цена по запросу
The Ukrainian manufacturer of water treatment equipment - Litech Aqua offers a unique solution for customers - modular water treatment systems on stainless steel frames. Having a large production base and experts in 3D modeling, we can design and create unique water treatment complexes in
+8 объявлений
3 дек 2024
Industrial water treatment equipment
Цена по запросу
We offer high-quality equipment for water treatment Litech Aqua TM (produced in Ukraine) Using many years of practical experience, we can solve any task of water purification. We produce the following types of equipment: - Reverse osmosis systems; - Ultrafiltration systems; - Nanofiltration
+8 объявлений
2 дек 2024
CALCIUM P pre ošípané, kone, malé zvieratá (Minerálna zmes do kŕmnych zmesí)
0.68 €/кг
Vápnik P Minerálna zmes vápnika a fosforu Vápnik a fosfor sú jedným z najdôležitejších biogénnych prvkov potrebných pre normálne fungovanie a priebeh životných procesov v tele. Je to nenahraditeľný stavebný materiál, ktorý je súčasťou kostného tkaniva a môže sa vo významnom množstve ukladať ako
+27 объявлений
12 дек 2022
Vápnik p pre hydinu (Minerálna zmes do kŕmnych zmesí)
0.53 €/кг
Vápnik p pre hydinu Minerálna zmes vápnika a fosforu Vápnik a fosfor sú jedným z najdôležitejších biogénnych prvkov potrebných pre normálne fungovanie a priebeh životných procesov v organizme. Je to nenahraditeľný stavebný materiál, ktorý je súčasťou kostného tkaniva a môže sa vo významnom množstve
+27 объявлений
12 дек 2022
Оптовая цена
от 1.43 €/шт
Silan Silan Classic (Fresh Fragrances) The Silan Classic range is designed for those who love soft laundry and fresh fragrances with a moderate level of intensity. Silan Sensitive The Silan Sensitive rinse aid gives a delicate hypoallergenic fragrance to your clothes, because it is specially
+1 объявление
5 фев
Wholesale House warming EN Plus-A1 6mm/8mm Biomass Wood Pellets For Sale
Wholesale House warming EN Plus-A1 6mm/8mm Biomass Wood Pellets For Sale - фото 1
Wholesale House warming EN Plus-A1 6mm/8mm Biomass Wood Pellets For Sale - фото 2
Wholesale House warming EN Plus-A1 6mm/8mm Biomass Wood Pellets For Sale - фото 3
95 €/т FOB
Wood Pellet Specification Moisture content: Wood pellets are porous solid, with high or low moisture content. The moisture content has great effect on the thermo-chemical conversion of the wood pellets. Therefore, moisture content is one of the basic indicators to identify the wood pellet
+1 объявление
13 авг 2024
1.43 €/шт FCA
Silan Classic (Fresh Fragrances) The Silan Classic range is designed for those who love soft laundry and fresh fragrances with a moderate level of intensity. Silan Sensitive The Silan Sensitive rinse aid gives a delicate hypoallergenic fragrance to your clothes, because it is specially designed
+1 объявление
11 мар 2024
Feed supplement PMVS DYVO pigs superstart 35%
0.81 €/кг
DYVO pigs superstart 35% Protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components,
+27 объявлений
19 дек 2022
Feed supplement DYVO PMVS for pigs finish15 %
0.62 €/кг
DYVO protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+27 объявлений
16 дек 2022
Feed supplement PMVS DYVO for laying hen productive 15%
0.74 €/кг
DYVO Protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+27 объявлений
16 дек 2022
DYVO PMVS gestating sows ІІ / lactating
0.65 €/кг
DYVO protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+27 объявлений
15 дек 2022
DYVO PMVS milking herd (carbohydrated) 10 %
0.78 €/кг
DYVO protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+27 объявлений
15 дек 2022
DYVO PMVS cattle milkeng herd (STABLING PERIOD) 15%
0.62 €/кг
DYVO protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+27 объявлений
15 дек 2022
DYVO PMVS calves start 2-6 months
0.70 €/шт
DYVO protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+27 объявлений
15 дек 2022
Feed supplement PMVS DYVO for broilers universal 35/30/25 %
0.79 €/кг
DYVO Protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+27 объявлений
15 дек 2022
Fruit juice
Fruit juice - фото 1
Fruit juice - фото 2
+1 фото
Fruit juice - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Fruit juice ODM/OEM packaging (your brand) Composition: fruit juice of at least 30% water, sugar citric acid without GMOs Certified: Halal, GMP, HACCP, FSSC, BRC, ISO 22000:2018, FDA, Smeta Medical Audit (SEDEX member) Origin: Vietnam Transport packaging: 24 cans or bottles/pallet with film or
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml with Flip-Top Сap
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml with Flip-Top Сap - фото 1
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml with Flip-Top Сap - фото 2
+1 фото
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml with Flip-Top Сap - фото 3
46.98 €/1000 units EXW
Production material of Bottle: PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) Production material of Flip-Top Сap: PE (Polyethylene) Vial quality: made from virgin material (PET) Flip-Top Сap quality: made from virgin material (PE) Package contents: bottles 120ml with Flip-Top Сap Application of Bottle / Vial:
+2 объявления
15 окт 2024
Best Quality Nescafe Low Price
Best Quality Nescafe Low Price - фото 1
Best Quality Nescafe Low Price - фото 2
+1 фото
Best Quality Nescafe Low Price - фото 3
1 €/шт CIF  
опт 0.80 - 1 €/шт
Brand: Nescafé 4.4 out of 5 stars 84 ratings | 4 answered questions Available from these sellers. Brand Nescafé Flavor Original Container type Jar Item Weight 655 Grams Product Specifications (Unit) 1.0 Ounce Item Dimensions LxWxH 3.9 x 3.4 x 7.3 inches Item Form Ground With its strong taste and
+5 объявлений
29 авг 2024
Concrete Plant
Concrete Plant - фото 1
Concrete Plant - фото 2
+7 фото
Concrete Plant - фото 3
Цена по запросу
*All of our products are made with care and covered for 1 year warranty! *ınstallation and operator training free Fabomıx compact series stationary concrete batching plants provide satisfaction of all levels need with practical and effective solutions. Stationary concrete batching plants can
+5 объявлений
7 авг 2024
Polypropylénová mäkká nádoba Big-Bag
Цена по запросу
Do pozornosti dávam - big-bag (veľkorozmerné mäkké nádoby z polypropylénu) vlastnej výroby. Naša spoločnosť ponúka široký sortiment produktov rôznych prevedení. Big bagy je možné vyrobiť na zákazku podľa potrieb spotrebiteľa. Tešíme sa na spoluprácu s Vami! Big-bagy sa používajú na skladovanie a
3 июл 2024
Podhľad na T-profil od výrobcu (Ukrajina)
Podhľad na T-profil od výrobcu (Ukrajina) - фото 1
Podhľad na T-profil od výrobcu (Ukrajina) - фото 2
+4 фото
Podhľad na T-profil od výrobcu (Ukrajina) - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Kraft Dekensystem Ukraine vyrába štyri modely profilov: Nova, Fortis, HD a RH100. Šírka viditeľnej časti profilu môže byť 24 mm (štandard) alebo 15 mm (tenký). Modely sa navzájom líšia výkonom a cenou. Všetky modely sú plne kompatibilné navzájom aj so systémom osvetlenia Kraft Led. Farba (okrem
24 июн 2024
Ticab Printing System TPS
Ticab Printing System TPS - фото 1
Ticab Printing System TPS - фото 2
+9 фото
Ticab Printing System TPS - фото 3
23 000 €/шт
Trade Industrial Company AB is a Polish manufacturer of modern professional equipment trusted by professionals in 51 countries around the world. Our company developed and put into production the Ticab Printing System TPS. This is an innovative CMYK digital printer for customizing small batches of
28 апр 2024
Priemyselný vákuový varič Idealfry Vac
9 960 €/шт
Vákuový multifunkčný varný stroj je určený pre domáce použitie, stravovanie (reštaurácie, hotely, cateringové spoločnosti) ako aj malé priemyselné podniky resp. Toto zariadenie vám umožňuje variť, miešať, blanšírovať, smažiť, odparovať, pasterizovať, alebo pražiť. Už nemusíte kupovať samostatne
5 янв 2024
Dostava kostne moke iz Ukrajine.
1 €/кг CIP
Informácie: Kostná múčka sa používa ako prísada do krmív pre zvieratá, ako je hydina, ošípané, hovädzí dobytok, ryby a iné. Prídavok kostnej múčky do krmiva môže výrazne zvýšiť jeho výživovú hodnotu, pretože tento produkt obsahuje veľké množstvo bielkovín a minerálnych látok. Pri výrobe krmív pre
+2 объявления
26 окт 2023
Asfaltový horúci box HB-2
10 500 €/шт
HOTBOX HB-2 je vyrobený tak, aby zachoval príslušné vlastnosti horúceho asfaltu. Je to nevyhnutné pri preprave asfaltu zo závodu na miesto opravy. S Asphalt Hot Boxom HB-2 od TICAB TM môžete dopraviť horúci asfalt z asfaltárne na miesto prác na ceste s minimálnymi tepelnými stratami. Tepelná
+1 объявление
6 окт 2023
Zariadenie na čírenie vína s jemne rozptýlenou suspenziou bentonitu, CTS
Zariadenie na čírenie vína s jemne rozptýlenou suspenziou bentonitu, CTS - фото 1
Zariadenie na čírenie vína s jemne rozptýlenou suspenziou bentonitu, CTS - фото 2
+2 фото
Zariadenie na čírenie vína s jemne rozptýlenou suspenziou bentonitu, CTS - фото 3
10 000 €/шт
Zariadenie CTS na Čírenie vína s jemne rozptýlenou suspenziou bentonitu. V dôsledku síl interakcie medzi nábojmi častice bentonitu adsorbujú nečistoty a zrážajú častice rôznych koloidov vína s opačnými elektrickými nábojmi. Vplyvom adsorpcie a sedimentácie tvoria častice veľké agregáty, ktoré sa
1 окт 2023
Bitúmen, Bitum, Bitumen, Bitumen powder
Цена по запросу
Company "Samsonov and Knudsen" offers Bitumen powder consisting of oil bitumen and mineral additions containing ~90% of bitumen. Spheres of application: • road construction and repair • stabilizing additives (Wood cellulose fiber) for SMA • isolation works • roofing works • production of roofing
+1 объявление
29 мая 2023
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mineral water
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