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Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200

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Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - photo 1 Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - photo 2 Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - photo 3 Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - photo 4 Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - photo 5 Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200 - photo 6
Renewed: 28 April 2024, 18:31 ID: 1756748
Delivery terms: EXW Rzeszów
Орион, ЧП Zhytomyr, UA
Flagma member since 23 June 2021
Shevchuk Mila
Shevchuk Mila
менеджер по продажам


Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS200 is the optimal equipment for small patching and repair works in limited spaces (yards, alleys) and for sealing seams and cracks in asphalt concrete pavement. With its small dimensions, the hand-held BS-200 tarring machine can process up to 3,000 m² per shift.

- Capacity - 400 m² per hour of work (more than 3000 m² per shift).
- Bitumen emulsion consumption - 200 l/h.
- Spraying rod hose - 4 m.
- System cleaning - 3 level of diesel fuel.
- Tank self-priming function.
- Robust metal frame on wheels for easy handling.
- Heating system for emulsion tank.
- With compact overall dimension – only 140 * 90 * 120 cm,

The equipment warehouse is located in Poland

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Орион, ЧП Zhytomyr, UA
Works by Flagma since 23 June 2021
Shevchuk Mila
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Shevchuk Mila
Shevchuk Mila
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Орион, ЧП Shevchuk Mila, Менеджер по продажам
Bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-200
3,700/piece ID: 1756748
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